Sample lectures and Text books
Sustainable Constructions under natural hazards and catastrophic events

Design of steel structures with worked examples, CTU in Prague

List of contents, Cover, 0 List,  1 Introduction, 2 Element, 3 Connections, 4 Examples, 5 References, EN-1, EN-8

Design of composite steel and concrete structures with worked examples, CTU in Prague

List of contents, Sample capture, Sample capture

Design of timber structures with worked examples, CTU in Prague

List of contents, Sample capture, Sample capture

Sample lectures & References

1C1 Design of sustainable constructions

Sample lecture Introduction to sustainable conctructions

Sarja A.: Integrated Life Cycle Design of Structures, Spon Press, 2002.
Kibert Ch: Sustainable Construction, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
AGENDA 21 on Sustainable Construction, CIB Report No. 237, 999
Target zero, URL:

1C2 Conceptual design of buildings

Sample lecture Multi-storey buildings, Sample lecture Floor slabs, primary and secondary beams

Silva L.S., Simoes R., Gervásio, H.: Design of steel structures. ECCS Eurocode Design Manuals, Ernst & Sohn, 2010, 438 p.
Trahair, N.S., Bradford M.A., Nerthercot, D.A., Gardner, L.: The behaviour and design of steel structures to EC3.  Taylor & Francis, 2008, 490 p.
Balio,G., Mazzolani,F.M.: Design of steel structures, FNSpon, London, 1999

1C3 Conceptual design of bridges

Sample lecture Pedestrian footbridges, Sample lecture Composite steel-concrete bridges

Hendy C. R., Murény C. J., Designers' Guide to EN 1993-2 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Part 2: Steel bridgesThomas Telford Ltd.,2007, 400 p.

Parke G., Hewson N.: ICE manual of bridge engineering. ICE manuals, Thomas Telford Limited, 2008, 748 p.

1C4 Local culture and language


1E5 Advanced design of glass structures

Sample lecture History and production, Sample lecture Structural glass

Wurm J.: Glass Structures, Birkhauser, 2007, ISBN 978-3-7643-7608-6.

1E6 Advanced design of timber structures

Sample lecture Structural timber and glulam, Sample lecture Timber bridges

Thelandersson S., Larsen, H.J.: Timber engineering, John Wiley& Sons Ltd., 2003, 446 s.

1E7 Rehabilitation and maintenance of structures

Agócs Z., Ziolko J., Vièan J., Brodniansky, J.: Assessment and Refurbishment of Steel Structures. Spon Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2005, 359 p.
Silva L.S. , Simoes R., Gervásio H.: Design of steel structures. ECCS Eurocode Design Manuals, Ernst & Sohn, 2010, 438 p.
Trahair N.S. , Bradford M.A., Nerthercot D.A., Gardner, L.: The behaviour and design of steel structures to EC3. Taylor & Francis, 2008, 490 p.

2C8 Advanced design of steel end composite structures

Sample lecture Lateral-torsional instability of beams, Sample lecture Buckling of plates

Silva L.S., Simoes R., Gervásio, H.: Design of steel structures. ECCS Eurocode Design Manuals, Ernst & Sohn, 2010, 438 p.
Trahair, N.S., Bradford M.A., Nerthercot, D.A., Gardner, L.: The behaviour and design of steel structures to EC3. Taylor & Francis, 2008, 490 p.

2C9 Design for seismic and climate changes

Sample lecture FEM in structural dynamics I, Sample lecture FEM in structural dynamics II

Chopra, A.K.: Dynamics of structures. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Booth, E. and Key, D.: Earthquake design practice for buildings. Thomas Telford, 2006.
Fardis, M. et al : Designers´ guide to Eurocode 8,Thomas Telford, 2005.

2C10 Design for fire and robustness

Sample of lecture Introduction to fire safety, Sample lecture Fire resistance of steel structures

Franssen J. M., Zaharia R., Design of Steel Structures Subjected to Fire, Background and Design Guide to Eurocode 3, University Liège, 2005.
Buchanan A. H., Structural Design for Fire Safety, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester 2003.
ASCE Manual, Performance-Based Design of Structural Steel for Fire Conditions, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2009
Lennon T., Moore D.B., Wang Y.C., Bailey G.G., Designer’s Guide to EN 1991-1-2, EN 1992-1-2, EN 1993-1-2 and EN 1994-1-2, Thomas Telford, 2006.

2C11 Business economics and entrepreneurship

Sample lecture Business strategies, Sample lecture Risk Management Systems for Projects

Schaufelberger J.: Construction Business Management, Pearson,2009, 250 p.
Yescombe E.R.: Principles of Project Finance, Academic Press, San Diego, 2002.
Clough R. H., Sears G. A., & Sears, S. K:  Construction contracting: A practical guide to company management.  Hoboken, NJ:  John Wiley and Sons, Inc , 2005.
Civitello A.M., Levy S.: Construction Operations Manual of Policies and Procedures, 4rd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005, 480 p.
Langford D., Male S.: Strategic Management in Construction, 2nd Edition. Blackwell Science, 2005.


2E12 Design for renewable energy systems

Sample lecture Cold-Formed Structures, Sample lecture Stability of Cold-Formed Elements

Rotter, J.M. at al.: Buckling of Steel Shells - European Design Recommendations, ECCS, 2008, 385 p.
Salmi, P. et al.: Worked examples according to EN1993-1-3, ECCS, 2008, 235 p.

2E13 Advanced design of concrete structures

Design of Concrete Structures,
Design of prestressed concrete,

2E14 Design of aluminium and stainless steel structures

Sample lecture Aluminium structures

Valtinat G.: Aluminium im Konstruktivem Ingenierbau, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 2003.
Design Manual for Structural Stainless Steel. Euro Inox and The Steel Construction Institute, 2006.


C14 Theses


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