Integrated Fire Engineering and Response

COST action network number TU0904 in domain Transport and Urban Development

Barcelona Workshop 5-6 July 2010

The workshop is organised to collect the results of the national projects in the field of fire engineering
and to inform colleagues in the Action of the current status in Countries participating in the action.


Management commitee; WG1; WG2; WG3; Grant till Barcelona meeting

COST officeWG1, WG2, WG3

WG1, WG2, WG




Timing of workshop and meetings in pdf.
Detailed programme of 
Working group presentations WG1, WG2, and WG3.
Agenda of meetings
Management Committee, Working group WG1, WG2, and WG3.

To be reimbursed 
Reimbursement instruction for Barcelona Workshop 5-6 July 2010 in pdf.

Oral presentation

Each expert is asked to present the projects in the field of Fire engineering in his country by 8 -12 slides in about ten min. The sides will be collected during the Workshop and published in the Workshop proceedings.


Lists of posters for Working group WG1, WG2, and WG3.
Each expert is asked to present one of his projects on poster height 1000 mm width 600 mm. The posters will be collected during the Workshop and published in Workshop proceedings.

The local organiser are kindly offering the possibility of printing. The price is 30 .  The deadline to receive the  pdf files for printing 29 June.

Place of the meeting

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Host Ana M. Lacasta Departament de Fisica Aplicada, EPSEB - Av. Dr. Maranon 44, 08028 Barcelona - SPAIN, email:,

Local information In pdf format of text  is described how to reach the place. 

The workshop will take place at the School of Building Construction of Barcelona (EPSEB) on the Campus of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). Map:


For information on hotels go to:

Here you can find some hotels near the UPC Campus, and some others in the center of the city (the campus is well connected by metro and bus). IMPORTANT: When you make your booking, don't forget to mention the reason for your visit: to attend a congress at the UPC. Barcelona is a very popular tourist city, so would be a good idea to book your hotel as early as possible.

Post workshop excursion
Will be organised
Wednesday 7 July morning. For excursion please register till 29 June at



Each Expert is asked to express his interest to come to the Barcelona meeting by registration by Kamila Horová, till 18 May 2010.  The expression of interest will consist of the title and two sentences summary of the presentation and the title and two sentences summary of the poster, see example of Expression of Interest.  The invitation to participate in the Workshop will be send 20 May 2010 after the approval of the Core Group of the action. Experts, they expressed the interest to participate in the Workshop.
To the main page

Last change
July 2010