1    Presentations WG1: Fire Behaviour and Life Safety

      1.1     Fire Safety – problems and challenges approach of the state fire service in Poland (short version)

                 Biskup K., Poland

      1.2     Assessment of slender external steel columns

                 Block F., United Kingdom

      1.3     Fire engineering in airports terminals (short version)

                 Cadorin J-F., Belgium

      1.4     Behaviour of aluminium alloy structures in fire (short version)

                 De Matteis G., Italy

      1.5     Approximate models for analysis of steel structures under fire loading

                 Drabowicz Z., Poland

      1.6     Recent projects in Finland

                 Heinisuo M., Outinen J. (WG3), Finland

      1.7     Some examples of fire propagation research in Spain

                 Lacasta A., Spain

      1.8     Selected aspects of safety evaluation for accidental fire situation on the example of a steel beam

                 Maslak M., Poland

      1.9     Numerical analyses and experimental tests on structural members in fire situation (short version)

                 Nigro E., Italy

      1.10   Fire research in Romania

                 Pintea D., Romania

      1.11   Temperature of external column at fire test in Mokrsko (short version)

                 Sokol Z., Czech Republic

      1.12   Fire research in Greece (short version)

                 Tsatsoulas D., Greece