eutoteQ 1D EuroTeQ
Structural Steel Virtual Excursion

EuroTeQ educational proThe educational project EuroTeQ Structural Steel Virtual Excursion (EuroTeQ SEV) is a virtual excursion of design, manufacturing and erecting processes of a typical steel portal frame type of building. The project was prepared in cooperation with partners from the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Lyngby University and the Technical University of Munich. The project objective is to assess response of such a structure to horizontal loading utilizing a full-scale field test on a real structure including manufacturing, erection and testing of a portal frame type of structure.ject Structural Steel Virtual Excursion.



framedeformed frameforces


Anatomy of our tested portal frame in project is presdented as undeformed and deformed case a forces in the roof plate. On Figure a building consisting of a total number of seven frames is shown. Central frame will be subject to a horizontal force applied at the column top. The displacement and force will be recorded. Testing will be done for both, clad and unclad roof. Cladding is supposed to be made of composite panels. Width of the frame is 8.5 m (central axis) and the height is 5.7 m. Frame spacing is 6 m.





Last change Sep 2021