DeSMOn – Deflection Strip Method Online
A program for the calculation of bending moments in a two-way reinforced concrete slab at the service limit state using the Deflection Strip Method
Author: Jakub Holan, Radek Štefan

This program can be used for the calculation and visual representation of bending moments in a two-way reinforced concrete slab at the service limit state using the Deflection Strip Method [1].The Strip Method and its use for the calculation of bending moments in two-way reinforced concrete slabs has been proposed by Hillerborg [2], and the use of this method in design practice has been decribed in detail by Park and Gamble [3]. The Deflection Strip Method is a specific type of the Strip Method, where the load on each strip in each direction is assumed to be uniformly distributed, and the load in each direction is determined from the assumption of equal mid-span deflections of the strips in both directions. The Deflection Strip Method is commonly used; however, equations for the calculations are easily obtained only for cetain specific cases (i.g. ideally simple beam). Holan and Štefan [1] have derived equations for the calculation of the deflection of a beam supported by supports with arbitrary rotation resistance. Using these equations, they have derived equations for the calculation of bending moments in a slab with arbitrarily rotationally-resistant supports using the Deflection Strip Method. These calculations have been algorithmized and impemented in this web-based program titled DeSMOn.
In the program, input parameters (i.e. load, dimensions, and fixity ratios) are first defined by the user. Then, the sagging bending moments are calculated, and using the user-defined fixity ratios, hogging moments are subsequently calculated. Moreover, the program can be used for the calculation of the required amount of rebars in the slab. The outputs of the program are contour graphs presenting the bending moments in both directions and tabelated values of bending moments and rebars. For detailed description, see [1].
[1] Holan J. and Štefan R. (2020) Bending moments in a slab with arbitrarily rotationally-resistant supports using a Deflection Strip Method: A web-based application. Under preparation.[2] Hillerborg A. (1960) A Plastic Theory for the Design of Reinforced Concrete Slabs. Proceedings, 6th Congress of International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering, Stockholm.
[3] Park R. and Gamble W. L. (1999) Reinforced concrete slabs. Ed. 2, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 978-0-471-34850-4.
Cite as: Holan J. and Štefan R. Bending moments in a slab with arbitrarily rotationally-resistant supports using a Deflection Strip Method: A web-based application. Not yet published.
Authors: Jakub Holan, Radek Štefan,
This work was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague, project no. SGS20/041/OHK1/1T/11.,
This work was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague, project no. SGS20/041/OHK1/1T/11.