ECCS TC 10, European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, member TC 10 Structural Connections, convenor ad-hoc group for Column Base Design (ECCS TC10-COST C1)

Working documents

CB1    Component method for column base, version for Heron - Word zipped, PDF

CB2    Anchor bolts and base plate in tension, version for Heron - Word zipped, PDF

CB3    Concrete block and base plate in compression, version for Heron - Word zipped, PDF

CB4    Column base classification, version for JCSR - Word zipped, PDF

CB5    Column Base in Shear And Normal Force - version for JCSR - Word zipped, PDF


Main papers:

Wald, F., A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Review, Budapest, 1993 (in gif format zipped)

Wald, F., Bouduffe N., Muzeau J.P., Preliminary Prediction of the Column-Base Stiffness, Graz 2001 (see as a pdf file)

Wald, F.: Resistance and stiffness model of column bases by component method, v Semirigid joints in metal and composite structures, 24-25 November, Warsaw 2000, ISBN 83-908083-1-5, s. 93-112. (see as a pdf file).

Wald F.: Column base modelling, v Semi-rigid connections in structural steelwork, ed. Ivanyi M., Banitopoulos, C.C., CISM Courses and lectures No. 419, Springer-Verlag, Wien 2000, ISBN 3-211-83331-5, s. 227-289.

Wald, F.: Resistance and stiffness model of column bases by component method, v Semirigid joints in metal and composite structures, 24-25 November, Warsaw 2000, ISBN 83-908083-1-5, s. 93-112. (see a pdf file)

Mareš J., Wald F., Sokol Z.: Modelling of Joints of Sandwitches Panels, v The Paramount Role of Joints into the Reliable Response of Structures, NATO Science Series, ed. Banitopoulos C.C., Wald, F., Series II, Vol. 4, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dortrecht 2000, ISBN 0-7923-6700-6, s. 387-395. (see a pdf file)

Baniotopoulos Ch. C., Sokol Z., Wald F.: Column base connections, v Numerical simulation of semi-rigid connections by the finite element method, COST C1 WG 6 publication, editor K.V. Virdi, Brussels, 1999, s. 32 - 48.

Column Bases in Steel Building Frames, COST C1 publication, F. Wald convenor, K. Weynand editor, Brussels, 1999.

Wald F.: Column Bases and Anchor Bolts, v Festschrift Commerative publication, Institut für Stahlbau, Holzbau und Michbautechnologie, ed. G. Huber, T. Michl, Innsbruck, 1999, s. 317 - 330, ISBN 3-9501069-0-1.

Wald F., Sokol Z.: Navrhování styčníků, ČVUT, Praha 1999, s. 145, ISBN 80-01-0273-8.

Wald F.: Patky sloupů, Column Base, ČVUT, Praha 1995, s. 137, ISBN 80-01-01337-5.

Wald F.: Column-Base Connections, A comprehensive state-of-the-art Review, CTU Praha, COST C1, 1993.9+9

Wald F., Obata M., Matsuura S., Goto Y.: Prying Effect of Anchor Bolts, JSPS, Nagoya 1993, s. 1212 - 1221.

Wald F.: Semibifurcation and Bifurcation Analysis of Flexibly Connected Steel Frames, Discussion, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.117, No.10, Oct., s. 3104 - 3106, 1993.

Wald F.: Sensitivity of Semirigid Frames to Initial Imperfections, Journal of Constructional Steel Research No.18, s. 309 - 316, 1991.

Wald F.: Prediction Model of Column Bases using Component Method, v Construcao Metálica e Mistra 2, ed. Lamas A., Silva L.S., Cruz P., Coimbra, 1999, s. 33 - 47, ISBN 972-98376-0-0.

Sokol Z., Ádány S., Dunai L., Wald F.: Column Base Finite Element Modelling, v Proceedings of the Conference Eurosteel ´99, Studnička J., Wald F., Macháček J. ed., Vol. 2, ČVUT Praha, 1999, s. 499 - 502, ISBN 80-01-01963-2.

Wald F., Gresnigt A. M., Weynand K., J. P. Jaspart: Application of the Component Method to Column Bases, v COST C1 Conference Liege 1998, s. 155 - 166, Brussels 1999, ISBN 92-828-6337-9.

Wald F., Baniotopoulos Ch. C.: Numerical modelling of column base connection, v COST C1 Conference Liege 1998, s. 497 - 507, Brussels 1999, ISBN 92-828-6337-9.

Wald F., Jaspart J. P.: Stiffness Design of Column Bases, v 2nd World Steel Conference, San Sebastian 1998, No.: 135, Journal of Constructional Steel Research Vol. 46, Nos. 1 - 3, 1998, ISSN 0143-974X.

Wald F., Sokol Z.: Column Base Stiffness Classification, v SDSS 97, v Colloquium Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, Nagoya 1997, s. 675 - 682.

Wald F., Sokol Z.: Model of Column Base Stiffness, v STESSA 97, v International Conference Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Kyoto 1997, s. 672 - 679, ISSN 88-85651-76-3.

Pertold J., Wald F.: Embedded Column Base Modelling, Připojení ocelového sloupu k základové konstrukci zabetonováním, v Ocelářská konference 97, Brno 1997, s. 105 - 110.

Wald F., Sokol Z.: Proposal of the Stiffness Design Model of the Column Bases, v Connection in Steel Structures II, Behaviour, Strength, and Design, ed. Bjorhovde, Colson, Zandononi, Pergamnon Press, London 1996, s. 237 - 249, ISBN 0-08-042821-5.

Wald F., Šimek I., Seifert J.: The Tests of the Column-Base Components, v Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Area, ed. Mazolani, Gioncu, E & FN Press, Chapman and Hall, London 1996, s. 432 - 438, ISBN 0-419-19890-3.

Wald F.: Column Base Appetiser, v Stability of Steel Structures, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1996, s. 509 - 515, ISBN 963 05 6963 3.

Dunai Laczlo, Adanz S., Wald F., Sokol Z.: Numerical Modelling of Column-Base Connections, v Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, Civil,. Comp. Press, Edinburg 1996, s. 171 - 178, ISBN 948749-45-8.

Sokol Z., Wald F., Pultar M., Jarůšková D., Kos J., Záleský J.: Sensitivity of Steel Frames Reliability to Column Base, Foundation and Subsoil Parameters, v Stability of Steel Structures, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1996, s. 561 - 569, ISBN 963 05 6963 3.

Wald F., Šimek I., Sokol Z., Seifert J.: The Column - Base Stiffness Tests, v Semi-Rigid Behaviour of Civil Engineering Structural Connections, Proceedings of the Second State of the Art Workshop, Brussels 1994, s. 273 - 282, ISBN 80-01-01240-9.

Sokol Z., Wald F., Dunai L., Steenhuis M.: The Column - Base Stiffness Prediction, v Semi-Rigid Behaviour of Civil Engineering Structural Connections, Proceedings of the Second State of the Art Workshop, Brussels 1994, s. 259 - 270, ISBN 80-01-01240-9.

Last update Oct. 2004