Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Special Geodesy
History of Surveying
Introductory information

16th and 17th century, 18th and 19th century, 19th century and the 20th century

There are various texts about designers and manufacturing of surveying instruments in Bohemia from the 16th century to half of the 20th century on this web pages. These texts have been already published and they are in English (To the history of the production of geodetic instruments in Bohemia), German (Zur Tradition der Herstellung der geodätischen Geräte in der Tschechien) and Czech (Přístroje stavební geodézie 2. poloviny 19. a počátku 20. století). The overview of the most important surveyors of the Czech history and their works is published just in Czech for the present (Významné osobnosti české geodetické minulosti 19. století).
National Technical Museum (NTM) with assistance of Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers arranged successful and by experts highly fancied exhibition "Surveying Instruments in Czech Lands" (script: Ing. A. Svejda, curator of NTM, Doc. P. Hanek). This exhibition was organized on the occasion of standing committee session of international federation of surveyors FIG in Prague "FIG Working Week Prague 2000".The major part of 120 exhibits came from collections of NTM, some exhibits were also from private collections and collections of universities and other institutions. There are monochrome photographs of exhibited instruments published in documentation catalogue on next pages. Portraits of personalities, maps and publications were released.

16th and 17th century, 18th and 19th century, 19th century and the 20th century

Lecturer: Ass.Prof. Pavel Hanek, PhD.
Webmaster: Pavel Hanek